Money + Creativity: A LOVE STORY
The enemies to lovers story starts here!

Are you tired of...
😞 feeling like there's something blocking your financial abundance, but you can't figure out what it is?
😵 feeling like the “one solution” to your money problems is more money, but that also just "isn't happening"?
😒wanting and asking for a financial breakthrough but getting minimal progress?
As a Creative and a Coach, I can tell you firsthand you are not alone. I've totally been there. And you do not have to stay here.

In this workshop, we'll...
😍 Learn to get out of logical problem solving mind that keeps us really stuck and into our wise imagination so we can create new solutions to sticky money blocks
😊 understand the link between your Creative Flow and Financial Flow so you can take action in both areas
🤓 write the first chapters of the most beautiful, abundant love story of your life - the one between your Money and your Creativity!
🤩 create POWERFUL ACTIONS that will help money come and stay

This is for you if...
✅ you struggle to see progress with traditional "good habits" when it comes to money
✅ you run your own business and/or freelance ("in charge of" your own income streams)
✅ you feel like if you could "crack the code" financially, your entire life would be different
✅ you really want more power when it comes to your financial life and struggle to find it
STOP being hard on yourself and trying the same old things that go nowhere. Let's EMBRACE THIS LOVE STORY and get into flow!
"Before this workshop, I felt dull, disconnected, and narrow-minded about my relationship to money and creativity. I’ve been chipping away at my blocks around bringing my art into the world and money for years, but craved a new, refreshing outlook that would resonate and stick with me on a deeper level.
I trusted Laura in supporting me because of her unique coach approach and devotion to life’s magic.
This workshop was incredible. She helped me to dissect money from every angle- systemic capitalism, culture, ancestry, personal experience(s). It allowed me to see above and beyond my every day mindset.
We created a new North Star around money for me, one that would allow my experience of life to feel fundamentally prosperous, gentle, and responsible with this resource.
My disempowering stories around money started to dissolve, and I’m still doing the practices she helped me to create to move towards this goal.
All of which has organically re-sparked my artistry. I’m writing poetry again, and I’m gearing up to bring forward the creative business projects I’ve been procrastinating on.
I recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to remember and realign with their power.
This workshop was more than about money and art.
Laura helped me to see that life is inherently creative, and miracles happen when we surrender to our creative selves.
This workshop showed me my creative power and dissolved my fearful stories around money, so that I could reconnect to being of service in my life and business.
I’m taking more action than I’ve had in a long time and am on track to meet my goals.”
— Melinda Chinen

About Me
"Before the workshop, I felt really overwhelmed by money.
Laura Westman is pure magic. Her whole being is a breath of fresh air. MONEY + CREATIVITY: A LOVE STORY was chock full of Laura's magic, and I felt so grateful to be in the room. Before the workshop, I felt really overwhelmed by money. I had this story that I needed to be one kind of way in order to benefit from the structures that be,
I felt allergic to the mundanity and simultaneous complexity of what felt like a math problem I could never really understand.
Laura (in her thoughtful lovely way) created an opening for a whimsical paradigm shift.
Walking away, I felt a new level of tenderness towards myself and the way I want to be with money. I felt empowered to take a couple of actions I've been sitting on, and unblocked in all the places that needed a clear out! I also saw a couple of murky things clear up in other places in my life (hello, relationship and career!) that I didn't realize were so tied to my interpretation of money / worth / "success." The creative genius of Laura Westman is simply a gift to witness. I can't recommend this workshop enough!!" - Reilly O'Shaughnessy